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Unlocking Information Security

Cyber-attacks, phishing, fraud, encryption and hacking of computers and digital assets are the dangers that surround the new world. How can we defend against them and even retaliate when necessary? Enter the course to learn how to behave correctly, in a world of information security
6 часов в неделю | 9 Недели

Чему мы научимся?

  • The main concepts and technologies in the field of Information Security
  • A vast array of design, implementation and operational vulnerabilities
  • The principles of secure computer systems
  • Ways to take part in the design and implementation of secure computer systems
  • How to identify situations that should involve information security considerations and make informed decisions about them


Information Security is everywhere: as the world becomes more and more digitized, so it becomes more and more hackable. Cyber attacks, data breaches, and even cyber warfare are all very real – so it is infinitely important to understand how hackers think and act, and how you can fight back.

In the first part of the course, you will learn the basic terminology and concepts in the field of information security. You will explore different types of vulnerabilities through famous examples of design flaws, implementation bugs and social engineering.

You will then move on to discover the art of cryptography, from ancient times to the modern era, and learn about famous ciphers, how they can be cracked, and what can be done to thwart such attacks. Next, you will learn about an important aspect of cryptography that involves no secrets at all: hash functions. You will understand what they are, how they can be used, and how they can be attacked.

You will then combine everything you’ve learned and take a critical view of different authentication schemes: passwords, challenge-response systems and biometrics. Finally, you will learn about the most critical vulnerability of all times – Buffer Overflow.

In the second part of the course, you will turn your attention to the Internet: you’ll start by learning about the inherent vulnerabilities lurking in the multiple layers of the Internet’s protocol stack and then meet the first line of internet defenses. Next, you’ll take an in-depth look at the modern cryptographic concepts that are at the core of internet security and discover the mathematical miracle that makes them possible.

With all this in mind, you will take a deep survey of the world wide web; understand the various technologies behind websites, how web servers and web browsers interact, how they can be attacked, and how they should be defended. Finally, you will learn about viruses, worms and trojans: what they are, how they spread, hide and attack, and the arms-race between them and the anti-virus industry.

This course was produced at Tel Aviv University by TAU Innovation in Teaching and Learning center.

Course created with support from

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  • Продолжительность курса:
    6 часов в неделю | 9 Недели
  • язык курса:
  • Язык субтитров
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  • диплом:
    אין תעודה
  • Академический кредит:
    ללא קרדיט אקדמי
  • Предыдущие знания:
    без предварительного знания
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Сотрудники курса

פרופ' אבישי וול

Тель-Авивский университет

פרופסור אבישי וול הינו חבר הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל באוניברסיטת תל אביב ומנהל טכנולוגיות ראשי ומייסד-שותף חברת AlgoSec
חברת תוכנה בינלאומית המספקת פתרונות לניהול אבטחה מוטת-עסקים בתחום ניהול מדיניות אבטחת רשתות
הוא החל את הקריירה שלו ביחידת 8200 בצבא הידועה גם בשם “מכונת ההזנק החשאית”. יזמים ומייסדים רבים של חברות הזנק מובילות הינם יוצאי יחידה זאת

דאן גיטיק

Тель-Авивский университет

.דאן גיטיק הינו חבר בחטיבת הסייבר במשרד הביטחון ומרצה לאבטחת מידע באוניברסיטת תל אביב. לדאן ניסיון הוראה רחב מהצבא, התעשייה והאקדמיה

פרופ' אבישי וול


דאן גיטיק
