смена языка
связь \ зачисление

Чему мы научимся?

  • We will examine the impact of technology and design on development a product over many generations, and emphasis will be given to the combination of engineering, design thinking and design concept.
  • Recommendation for classroom activities -implementation  and guidelines for teachers
  • We will get to know the D7 methodology based on seven stages of development: From Plowing to harvest.
  • We will experience the actual methodology, as innovator.


Design Thinking is a method that has been developing in the last forty years between academia and design studio, especially in Silicon Valley for silicon valley. The design thinking method developed with the establishment of the d.school design school at Stanford University and is widespread in the world.

Prof. Ezri Tarazi, an industrial designer and academic, developed the D7 methodology on the shoulders of design thinking and added to it. The methodology incorporates advanced theories about human intelligence, and it encompasses many components of the design and technological process, which are absent from the original theory of design thinking.

This course will reveal to you the D7 methodology for innovation through design thinking.

During the course, you will learn and experience as a multidisciplinary team in the process of developing a product or a service consisting of seven stages, as it is used in academia, industry, high-tech, and various organizations.

The course is based on a common work methodology and the common language of a multidisciplinary key team. The course content is taught in digital learning that encourages dialog and fellowship.

In each of the chapters of the course, which demonstrate the stages of methodology D 7, you will be asked to perform a collaborative task that simulates an innovative product design process that combines technical aspects and design aspects. The development process you will go through together will begin at the concept stage and end at the product production stage.


  • главное учреждение:
  • цена:
  • скорость обучения:
  • Продолжительность курса:
    4 часов в неделю | 8 Недели
  • язык курса:
  • Язык субтитров:
  • диплом:
    אין תעודה
  • Академический кредит:
    ללא קרדיט אקדמי
  • Предыдущие знания:
    без предварительного знания
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