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Nursing Regulatory Standards | Empower Nursing Workforce

The Nursing Administration in Israel has acquired extensive knowledge and experience in the development and implementation of Regulatory Nursing Professional Standards. As part of the activities it became obvious there is a need to share knowledge with health organizations in other countries.
10 часы
Курс VOD

Чему мы научимся?

  • What is the impact of Regulatory Nursing Professional Standards on the advancement of the nursing profession?
  • What are the stages and principles in the development of a Regulatory Nursing Professional Standard
  • The importance of implementing and controlling a Regulatory Nursing Professional Standard


The WHO Collaboration Center for Leadership and Governance in Nursing in the Nursing Division in Israel is offering for Senior nurses innovative online course, Nursing Regulatory Standards | Empower Nursing Workforce.
The course primarily consists of self-study modules and includes virtual meetings with instructors from our Nursing Division’s Regulatory Nursing Professional Standard department.

Its objective is to equip participants with the necessary skills to formulate professional regulations in nursing, from initial development to implementation, dissemination, and monitoring.

  • главное учреждение:
  • цена:
  • скорость обучения:
  • Дата окончания:
  • Продолжительность курса:
    10 часы
  • язык курса:
  • Язык субтитров
    Язык субтитров:
  • диплом:
    אין תעודה
  • Академический кредит:
    ללא קרדיט אקדמי
  • Предыдущие знания:
    без предварительного знания
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Сотрудники курса

ד"ר רבקה חזן-הצורף

מומחית תוכן
Министерство здравоохранения

תמר קיינן

מומחית תוכן
Министерство здравоохранения

קרן מקדש

מומחית תוכן
Министерство здравоохранения

ד"ר הגר ברוך

מומחית תוכן
Министерство здравоохранения

ד"ר רבקה חזן-הצורף

מומחית תוכן

תמר קיינן

מומחית תוכן

קרן מקדש

מומחית תוכן

ד"ר הגר ברוך

מומחית תוכן