שינוי שפה
שינוי שפה
התחברות \ הרשמה
התחברות \ הרשמה
צור קשר
צור קשר

How to say what you mean

In this course you will learn how to improve reading fluency and expand vocabulary learning through the use of intonation.
long course
video play

Application phase for online training reward

The application phase of the courses that provide a reward is open for you as of – 01.12.22

Those interested in moving to the application phase are invited to register at the end of the learning chapter.

Registration will close on 1.3.23

pay attention –

  • Each practical part and submission of an assignment gives 10 hours to accumulate for a reward.
  • In order to be entitled to a reward, you must complete at least three micro courses (30 hours), with a grade of 80 or higher in each of the courses this year.

    The work in the course must be submitted no later than 16.4.23

The courses can be accumulated for repayment until the end of the 2018 academic year.

pay attention ! This year, unlike previous years, the application phase will be accompanied by a close supervisor who will be there to help you both through a WhatsApp group, to which you will be associated after registration, and in Zoom meetings to answer questions and, of course, in the forum that appears in the learning space of the MOODLE environment.

The links will be published by the lecturer in the group and in the learning environment.

Detailed information and questions about the applied part of the micro courses click here

  • The goal is to improve reading fluency and expand vocabulary learning.
  • This practice has been shown to be very engaging and effective in achieving the set goal.

Getting students to a level of reading fluency in English is a great challenge. Research has shown that repeated reading greatly contributes to reading fluency. In this technique, the students have an engaging and amusing reason to repeat and therefore learn and have fun. The focus is on intonation and how it can change (or add to) the meaning of the words we say.

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